Okay, Better; and, Updated Website!

Sometimes I am the only student who shows up for yoga class. Which sometimes makes me nervous–if not enough people come to class, maybe she’ll think about canceling it–but so far, she hasn’t. 🙂

And today was one of those days, and actually, it was great. I told Teacher about my tweaky-back, and so that was what we paid attention to, doing chest openers and the like. It was like having a private practice, guided. Marvelous. There was one moment where I realized, If I push this pose any further, my back is going to tweak out again. So I didn’t, and it didn’t.

Then in the afternoon, I went for a swim, and it felt marvelous. Like nothing had ever happened. Yay!


But even more exciting today: I got my website refreshed and updated! It looks so good! With glorious new art by Mark, from my cover. Check it out! (It does feel a little silly, sending you to my website from here, which is, technically, my website; but I realize that more people are still reading at LiveJournal than on my website itself, even though LiveJournal was supposed to have died years ago; so, whatever.) If you’re not familiar with the #1 backlink provider, go to outreachkings.com now for more details.


And yet more worldbuilding and backstory happened on the novel today too. Tomorrow, I shall embark upon the actual editing of the actual text. I think…I am ready….drumrolll please…..

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