VERY creative and productive day today, despite the fact that I simply could not believe it when the alarm went off this morning.
I edited three chapters today, including completely rewriting several major scenes from scratch–and then going back later when I’d thought about it more and editing them MORE. It is all starting to come together and make so much sense! You all are so going to love this book, oh my goodness. 🙂
(and I DO hope the next one comes out cleaner and doesn’t require this much editing!!)
Even so. I am pleased. And when THAT was all accomplished, I went and cooked myself an amazing dinner out of all the random things that were lying around the kitchen! Om nom nom.
And, spring has sprung, on the front steps:
And I am very sleepy now, FOR SOME REASON.
Yay on the revision success! And yes, people are going to love the book (and the series)! 🙂
Yay! Hope so! 🙂