Back in Portland today. Actually, Mark and I drove to Portland yesterday, in time to attend a Very Lively St. Patrick’s day party. Fun!
Before we left Seattle, we walked over to the UW campus to see if the cherry trees were in bloom yet. Alas, not so much:
And then we were leaving the plaza, and saw several groups of people going to peer very closely at a particular tree trunk. So we walked over to see what they were looking at. And lo! The very first blossoms!
And then we got caught in a horrific downpour and had to duck into a building till it passed.
Anyway, probably by the next time I visit, the blossoms will be in full force. Because that will be later this week. 🙂
Anyway-anyway, this is yesterday’s blog post today; today’s will have to come tomorrow, because I’m so very ready to crash.