So! We actually DID see Cirque du Soleil last night! And it was delightful.
We drove up to Seattle, got dressed & ready, then braved EPIC traffic to get to another lovely dinner at The Stone House (including befriending the folks at the table next to us, who were going to the performance as well). (Amusingly, after waving goodbye as they left the restaurant before us and imagining that that was the entirety of our acquaintance, we arrived at our seats only to find them seated in the row in front of us!)
I have seen a couple other Cirque performances; this one was quite good, but not the best ever, I have to say. Even so: well worth the price of admission, above and beyond being a tremendous relief that we got to see it at all. 🙂 Not only that, but we had no trouble using our parking pass from last month–they didn’t even question it!
Today, I drove back to Portland alone (sniffle), and am prepared to Buckle Down and Get Things Done in the coming days…we both have a lot to do, so we have repaired to our respective corners to accomplish that.
And I got snowed on, on my drive down; just a bit, but enough to make the drive Interesting. And I saw a dusting of snow on the ground around Kelso. Brr! What is this ‘spring’ you speak of?