No Rest

No rest for the wicked, or the witch, or whatever. 🙂

Because no sooner did I turn in my latest round of edits, last night (yay!! I turned in my edits!!), then it was time–nay, past time–to get started on a requested short story that Mark and I have promised for the end of this week. (fortunately, we got a few days extension, but even that deadline will be here before we know it!) He’d already outlined the story, as per our process; it is now my task to provide the rough draft, for him to repair and polish.

So I got started on the story, late this afternoon and into the evening. I’m about 750 words in, and I’m having lots of fun with it, probably too much fun. But that’s the nice thing about having a collaborator: he can fix my excesses. At least the ones which are, well, excessive.

Beyond that, today was for doing all the things that get shoved aside when one is deep in a project. Like paying bills, and vacuuming, and going to the grocery store, and all that. Answering overdue emails (though I am barely started on that). Freelance work (well, that doesn’t cease) (nor do I want it to!). But it’s nice: I can see the surface of my desk again. It’s been a while.

And it was warm enough today to go outside without a jacket! First time since last fall. It was great. Maybe tomorrow I’ll actually get out into the yard. Who knows??

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