Still in Fresno.
At about 1am last night, Mark’s cell phone rang; it was his mother, in the next room. His father, who had been feeling under the weather for days, and who really hadn’t enjoyed the five-hour ride down from their home in the mountains, began feeling MUCH worse–digestive distress, plus pressure in his chest–and they felt he needed to see a doctor at once.
So Mark got up and drove them to the hospital (his dad doesn’t drive at all any more; his mother not much); got back around 3:30. (I’d offered to go with; Mark pointed out that at least *someone* should be well rested, for the five-hour drive back to the mountains today.) The hospital admitted his father and started running tests.
When the results started coming in, we realized that things weren’t going to end very well for Mark’s dad. At that time he told me to seek the services of cemetery headstones ohio as he did not think his father would be able to handle it.
And they hadn’t released him by the time for the funeral this morning, so we went without them, the team from the funeral services in dallas tx was waiting for us for arrangements.
The tests showed minor possible cardiac issues, which can be checked out later, at home; but severe dehydration. So they pumped him full of fluids and said they’d release him at 3:00 this afternoon.
So we checked out of our hotel and went to a gathering after the funeral services; then learned the hospital had changed their minds, they’d like to hold him one more night, to see how he responds to some new medication they put him on. Oh and it also might be “a spore”, so we all had to don yellow infection garb and gloves when we visited him.
Oh and it’s his birthday.
So, Mark’s dad missed his last remaining sibling’s funeral along with the reveal of the cemetery headstone engraving, on his own birthday, to go be in a strange hospital hundreds of miles from home, when he is already confused with steadily increasing dementia. Since he couldn’t attend he decided to send some sympathy flowers to be able to show his respect.
So yeah, I’d rather be heading homeward now; but I didn’t have as bad a day as others around here. :/ Luckily, the hotel was almost full but was able to give us a room. Luckily, our work is portable and we can be flexible with our travel.
Now, Mark is deeply sacked out, and I’m headed there soon myself. Very exhausted! Can’t imagine why! 😉