Back to It

Mark drove me back to Portland yesterday, which was sweet, as we’d left here in his car, and it would have been a long walk from Port Townsend. 🙂 On the way, we stopped at a marvelous nursery, because who wouldn’t?

Today–after the delight of sleeping in my own bed–he helped me with a bunch of gardening stuff (not just planting the new acquisitions, but also a run to buy Rocks and Dirt) (somehow it feels so ridiculous to buy rocks and dirt, but, there you go), and then a lot of schlepping around of same. And the weather was INCREDIBLE–full-on spring, sun and warm and lovely. But then, alas, he did have to drive back home.

Also, I did many hours of freelance work.

Also, grocery shopping, and other household stuff.

And here’s a picture of the beach and lighthouse at Ft. Worden, complete with all sorts of rocks just like the ones we bought today. If we’d only known.
Retreat Lighthouse

Tomorrow: exercise, more work, perhaps even garden photos. Because oh my goodness, everything’s blooming. The dogwood is particularly spectacular. I hope you don’t just have to trust me on this. 🙂

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