Last year, when my folks were visiting, I took Mom and Stepdad to Portland Nursery (an experience he is still talking about). Stepdad, a (retired) professional gardener, recommended a few things for my back yard, including a lovely plant with impressive blue-purple flowers. (I’ve lost the tag for it, so I don’t remember what it’s called.)
It was going along so nicely this year, and about to bloom, when…I discovered someone had been munching on it. They’d taken down two or three stalks, and left them lying on the dirt, not even eaten.
It’s got to be the squirrels, the little bastards. It happened again this morning, so I went out and got chicken wire.
You can barely see the poor plant in there; on the lower right is one of the munched-off stalks.
The wire cage looks Oh So Lovely in my yard… sigh…
But maybe the plant won’t die.
Stupid idiot worthless squirrels. Bad enough they dig up all the bulbs; this just feels mean. I mean, they’re not even eating the plant, just tearing it up.
Grump, grump.