What happened to the warm weather? Oh, they say it’s coming back tomorrow. Of course they would say that.
I wrote a little piece on collaboration the other day. It’s here; called On Collaboration, funnily enough. It occurred to me you all might be curious why so much of my writing (an intrinsically solo activity) involves other people.
But I’m working very solo at the moment: reading the prior draft of Hobgoblin, which I am still quite happy with, as it turns out. Of course I’m finding things that need fixing, or developing, or changing; but I think it’s actually a pretty darn solid novel. Which is very encouraging! I’m not quite halfway through reading it; no doubt the horrible problems are still to come. But, we’ll see.
And wow, I’m sleepy. Not even sure why, but I can barely keep my eyes open. So I’m going to stop trying to.