No luck on the London house-trade queries so far, though I did get an offer from Brazil. 🙂 Which, tempting as it looks (sun! beaches!), isn’t quite going to work for attending the con in Brighton.
It does lead to all kinds of interesting fantasies about future house trading and travel, of course. For a frugal homebody like me, house trading is much more appealing than hotel-staying. Sure, it’s not MY home, but it’s A home, with all the comforts and space that implies. Plus, you know, free. Just gotta get there.
Elsewise–very busy day–productive, though. I’ve edited all the stories for the anthology, and sent all but one out (waiting on a proper email address). Did some other interesting secret-for-now things. Replanted a wayward fern in the aquarium. Went for a swim. Avoided the garden, because apparently it is winter again, cold and nasty and rainy. Oh well, spring was nice while it lasted.
Now: book and bed.