I seem to be constitutionally incapable of packing in advance. Mark and I leave for California tomorrow and I… did everything else today. Or, not even everything else, because there’s always more to do. But I didn’t even get started packing.
The good news is, Mark didn’t either, and he has to drive down from Seattle, so I’ll have at least a three-hour warning tomorrow. 🙂
In other good news: I’ve been accepted as a member of Book View Cafe! Which is awesome and cool and great. I don’t have a backlist, like some authors; instead, I’m hoping to put together a collection of my favorite published short stories. Some individual, some collaborative. I will definitely keep you posted.
And more good news: Dad got sprung from the hospital after only one night.
He’s looking good! We’ll see him on this trip, which will be nice. It felt weird to not be there for the surgery itself, but it sounds like it went so very smoothly. Here’s hoping his recovery is just as easy! He’ll be in that sling for weeks and weeks, though. Which is a challenge for him: he’s a very active guy.
And still more good news: I made my first acquisition as a Per Aspera editor! Chaz blogs about it here. I’m excited to work on this project, it’s a marvelous and disturbing story.
So, despite not starting my packing, I’d say it’s been a pretty good day.