My friend came over for dinner, as noted; I made the shrimp dish with less sauce and thinner onions, as noted; very yummy! We had a great visit, and dined on the deck, at sunset.
Speaking of the deck, the contractor came by today, and while he agrees that I need a new deck, he’s quite certain it’s not dangerous, not imminently falling down around my ears. So, we’re going to work on a design for a new one, and probably replace it next year. I’m thinking something about the same size, but much more open to the yard, and with big stairs down from the middle, rather than tiny stairs off to one side. But, we’ll see. I hate the thought of spending all that money, but it will be very cool to have a more integrated space out there. As it is now, the deck is high and quite barricaded off from the rest of the yard.
And….now I am very sleepy! At least my house is clean. It’s good to have people over from time to time. 🙂