I’ve gotten to the end of chapter 2 in my edit of Queen and Tower. I’ve written a ton of words and deleted a ton of words; often these were different words. Sometimes not. 🙂 I do believe these chapters are WAY better than what came before.
I’m almost exactly 10% of the way through.
And tomorrow’s task starts with writing yet another brand-new scene. But I’m also going to Trek in the Park with Miss H, so we’ll see how much I get done.
Last night, an old friend from my Barrington Hall days was in town, with her sweetie and son; they came to dinner. I hadn’t seen her in WAY too long–five years anyway, since we’d gotten together too briefly. It was a marvelous evening, I miss her already! Fortunately, after living on the other side of the world, she now lives in California, so maybe I’ll get to see her more often.
And today I tried foot reflexology. OMG, you guys. WHY HAS NOBODY EVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS??? I wish I could afford a treatment every day!