Updates and Running-Arounds

So that stupid scene that was giving me so much trouble the other day: I basically junked it and rewrote it as crudely as I could, with the characters just SAYING what they had to say to each other, just blah blah blah. Trying not to put in anything smooth or fancy, no easing of the edges: just straight dialogue, getting directly to the point. Almost like writing the outline.

I told myself I could go back and smooth it out afterwards, add in the little “scene” embellishments.

But, damned if it doesn’t work pretty great as is. I read it to Mark, we tweaked it a little; but, huh, now I’m happy with it, and he says it’s great.

This writing thing, man. Maybe I will learn how to do it some day.


And the other stuff I was cranky and frustrated about got itself resolved too, so now I am happy again. Busy, but happy. Heading off this evening to Powells to see Claude and Camille and hear stories from Claude’s new superhero anthology. Should be fun! Mark won’t make the reading, alas, because he is doing something cool too: he’s been recording for the audiobook of The Book of Joby these last few weeks. It’s a long book, though, so it’ll be a while before it’s ready! Anyway, he’ll join us for the drinks-after part of the evening. Nothing wrong with that. 🙂

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