Some Days

The moving-in continues.

I posted on Facebook how my delightful new Official Domestic Partner not only knows how to make this–
Broken socket
–but he can quickly turn it into this:
Fixed socket
Like before I’ve even had coffee.

And he’s organizing the kitchen right now as we speak. (WELL above and beyond the pot-rack I told you about the other day.) I will show you photos when all is said and done.

Meanwhile…it’s not like the regular work doesn’t keep piling up. So I work on that, and forget to blog. But I also took a few hours off last Thursday and drove up to St. Helens for a delightful lunch with Mr. Ken (kenscholes for you LJ readers)–it had been far too long. And I managed a bike ride or two, and even BOTH the Tuesday and Thursday yoga classes, and we had a couple of lovely dinners with friends and neighbors. So that’s okay.

But mostly I’m the slave to this to-do list, and the time narrows, and I press onward, ever onward….

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