We unpacked today, and rationalized the kitchen somewhat (which I’m sure won’t seem rational to the Actual Innkeepers, so we’ll try to remember how it was so we can put it back before they return in February!). Also, just figuring out how to live here–how to answer the phones, how to troubleshoot the internet, what all these switches do, how to find which circuit breaker tripped and why.
And then there were a lovely few hours in the afternoon when I sat at the dining room table and worked on a freelance job, looking out over the harbor. Just gorgeous. Rain was forecast, but it never really arrived; indeed, it was a mostly sunny, if cool, day. (I think it was cool. I never did set foot outside.)
Actually, tomorrow we have to leave the island again, to do a big provisioning-shopping, for Thanksgiving and just general foodstuffs. But after that, we probably won’t see the mainland for a while.
This is a lovely, quirky inn. It’s 103 years old, just like my house, so the quirkiness makes sense. (As does the loveliness.) And it’s just so peaceful here. The quiet: it’s striking. I could get used to this.