Late yesterday we got a phone call informing Mark of an emergency in his family…and then we learned more about the downsides of being on a remote island with limited ferry service.
Not to mention the special joy of last-minute air fares!
So this morning he left to drive to California to be with his family. He’ll get there some time tomorrow morning. We’re not sure when he’ll be able to come back; hopefully before Thanksgiving, when my whole family is coming here. But, we’ll see.
At least we had a few really lovely, peaceful days here. And there aren’t any “real” guests scheduled till early December.
Today I’ve been sort of puttering around, unfocused. But I am hoping to use this unexpected solitude to get a lot of work done. I’ve got a novel to revise, which I basically haven’t touched in several months. I did get the marked-up manuscript out of the box yesterday and put it on the desk next to my computer. 🙂 Hey, you gotta start somewhere.