It’s been an interesting few days here, alone on the island. Friday, as I mentioned when I blogged last, I was kind of discombobulated after Mark left. Unfocused. I went to town to do some errands and got half of them wrong. I puttered around the house, accomplishing very little. I was tired and underslept–since the whole thing had come down late Thursday evening, neither of us slept well, before he had to get up and pack and get on an early ferry Friday morning.
Then Friday night I slept like a rock, which was so good. Saturday I think I spent the whole day on the phone. 🙂 Family, being loving and supportive; I talked to Mark several times, on his journey; and then I talked to my brother’s girlfriend’s mom out in Anacortes for like an hour. She’s awesome.
Then today, I went back to town, fixing the errands I did wrong the other day; and a neighbor stopped by with flowers and good wishes; and another neighbor invited me over for dinner. I’ve just gotten back from that: a wonderfully pleasant evening–scrumptious food, lovely company.
So, yeah, for being alone, I’m not feeling all that lonely. 🙂 Perhaps tomorrow I will get to this manuscript.
And things are still entirely up in the air down in California. What’s happening is that Mark’s dad, who has been suffering from dementia for the last few years, has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. And it is uncertain yet what the prognosis is; things are confused, and happening fast, and it is the particular (and cruel) nature of dementia that the patient himself cannot participate in the diagnostic or therapeutic process in any cognizant way, so that complicates everything. So. Yeah. It basically sucks.
We may know by late tomorrow if Mark can make it back up for Thanksgiving. I’m still hoping, and also understanding that it might not be possible, and letting that be okay. He’s where he’s needed most: with his family. It’s okay to miss him–and I do!–and to also understand that this is what’s happening.
And my family is awesome. Everyone was already totally on board for helping with Thanksgiving, and they have all made it clear that that is redoubled now.
So, that’s what’s happening.
It’s still gorgeous here. 🙂