As I reflect upon the enormous amount of work I’ve been doing this last little while, here in this remote winter-time inn far from the real world, and get to the end of the day and try to think of anything at all interesting to post here, and fail…well, yeah: all work and no play DOES make me a dull blogger.
But I’ve gotten three large projects out the door since the new year, and am closing in on another; and making great progress on several more, so, I won’t say I’m out of the woods, but maybe, just maybe, if the weather continues nice, we might be able to take a little hike in a day or two.
(And, if this level of work–or even two or three levels down from this–keeps up, I might actually be able to make a living at this. Go me!)
Anyway. That’s all I got. Workity work. And inn guests. Guest-dog the other day was dressed for the cold weather:
Dunno why it’s fuzzy, but he’s still cute!