You remember how when you were maybe in high school, and maybe your parents left you home alone for a time, like they went on a trip or something, and then now it was time that they were coming back, and you suddenly realized, Oh, wow, I’d better clean the house?
Well, this is nothing like that. No, not at all. But we did do a bit of housecleaning today.
Who knew that sink was white? Always nice to tidy up a bit.
In entirely unrelated news, the Real Innkeepers are coming home Sunday or Monday. Which means we will be heading home to Portland soon…we are actually staying here through the busy Valentine’s Day weekend, because the Real Innkeepers need a bit of time to reacclimate and open all this mail and whatnot. Even so, wow, we have less than two weeks left here! Time has truly flown.
And the sunsets on the water remain amazing.
In very exciting news, our very good friends Chaz and Karen come visit tomorrow! There has been a truly ridiculous amount of logistical-planning as we figure out how best to get them here, with planes, shuttles, ferries, and the incompatible schedules between them all. But I think we have a good plan now, involving strategic bottles of wine at strategic points. It’s going to be all right, really, it is. The wine will make it so.