We’re up in the Land of Very Little Internet, visiting Mark’s mom (and we’ll go see his dad tomorrow, in in the board-and-care where he lives now).
After FogCon, we went to stay with my brother and his wonderful girlfriend (as I mentioned), and had that fantastic sushi dinner, and got a tiny bit of work done the next day; and went Monday evening to have dinner with a very good friend of mine with whom I had lost touch, and she reached out a month or two ago and we regained touch, and it was the first time in years we’d seen each other, and it was VERY AWESOME, and we stayed too late and it still wasn’t long enough; and then Tuesday we went to Alameda to have lunch with Mark’s cousin, and then to Oakland to see another friend of his who is recovering from a Serious Medical Thing, and then went shopping at three supermarkets (and got the credit card denied at the third one, because who goes to three supermarkets in a state where they don’t even live, in less than an hour?) and then made dinner at yet another friend’s house and had as many Bay Area wedding-party-members over who could make it. And stayed up too late and got back to brother’s house Very Exhausted.
Oh and had a nice view of a big fire in San Francisco as we were cooking.
Today we slept in unexpectedly late, then drove up to the mountains, and here we are. Whew! Now for one relatively quiet day, then it’s off to Mendocino for wedding prep and family time. Or at least, that’s the plan. I HOPE tomorrow’s quiet… 🙂