Deck Progress; and Fish Times Two; and Pesky Scene 9

In construction news today, a very long board was nailed to the house, the width of the house. It’s not very impressive-looking, though it’s a VERY important board, as (from what I understand) it had to be hung VERY precisely, and it was very difficult to hang, and the entire deck is going to rest on it. So.

Oh also there was a quick redesign of the plan, as for some reason, an incorrect number of stairs was planned for. Because actually, we are going to be wanting stairs, sufficient to go from the house, all the way to the ground. So.

(Good to figure this out now, I suppose, rather than later!)

Oh also the sonic tube was cut up and pounded into all those thirteen holes, and some were staked out, in preparation for concrete, which comes tomorrow. I think that’s all.


And we both went to the gym today, because construction finished early; and our favorite sushi restaurant is just by the gym, so of course we had to stop by there, for a snack, which turned out to be dinner, at 4:30.

From there, we went by the aquarium store, just to pick up some crystal shrimp that we bought last fall and had boarding there upon our return from Orcas Island; sixty-or-so dollars later, we’ve now got a female betta, some adorable silvertip tetras, and the crystal shrimp. OH YES and a new tiny tabletop aquarium for my desk… 🙂 🙂 Just the tank so far; we’ll provision and populate it in a few weeks, when we have a minute.


All this self-indulgence can be explained by the intractability of scene 9, which I fussed at last night, and returned to this morning, and wrestled with all morning, even though I should be well beyond it by now. I THINK I might have it beaten back to something resembling okay, or at least okay-for-now; it’s a VERY IMPORTANT scene, and therefore has to be both outrageous and entirely believable; and, whoah, it’s been hard. Anyway. Tomorrow I’m on to other things. Really.

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