Good Things

Good things:

-Mark says scene 9 is “pitch-perfect.” Oh, but you say, he’s in love with you, he WOULD say that. No, I say, he can say plenty different things when he wants to, trust me. I can believe this man.

-It was a rainy day, but it was also a sunny day.

-Concrete got poured. This was also a bad thing, because it happened messily and without organization and with lots of angst; but there was no ultimate harm done, and hey, now there are concrete piers.

-It was late in the day and I hadn’t moved on to any new scenes, but I wanted to get SOMETHING done, so I started scene 15 (which now comes before scene 14) (don’t ask), and lo, the writing just FLOODED out, and then by god it was done! And the writing was like watching a movie, or like being there–utterly real and effortless. This is why we write. This, right here.

-And, meet Fiona, Lady Betta:
Fiona 1 Fiona 2

Pretty blue, but there’s red on her too. She looks different from every angle:
Fiona 3

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