That thing, that weird bright thing, it isn’t even dripping, what is it?
Yeah so it was a sunny day today, as you will see in the deck-photos that follow. And it has been rather rainy, I mean REALLY rainy, so a day of not-rainy, it was nice. The constructionators appreciated it.
And I? I stayed at my computer, editing not just one scene, but a scene-and-a-half. Oh and I rode my bike to the chiropractor’s. That was nice. But mostly I just worked. Inside.
But! In constructionation news, the upper and lower portions of the deck are pretty well framed out. The stairs would have gotten framed out today too, but there was badness in the lumber, boards cracking and splitting when they were supposed to be sturdy; and there were stern phone calls to the lumber-providers; and like that. Upshot being: no stairs yet, and cracked lumber angrily thrown on the waste-pile.
But: wow, this is going to be a big deck.
Framing of the lower portion, from standing by the compost bin (at the bottom of where the stairs used to be), looking forward
Framing of the lower portion, standing near the other end, looking back along the house (compost bin to the left, board sticking out where stairs used to be)
Lower and upper framing. Greenhouse and stairs not framed yet.
Coming along!