Mark and I are both going through Our Lady of the Islands, looking for places to add “glosses” of things, like more tropical flavor, or details about the politics of previous books that are tangentially relevant here, and stuff like that.
And no, it’s not done yet–just a few more scenes to rewrite–but Brilliant Editor Jak wants to start reading it tomorrow, and given that it’s already almost three weeks late…from the extended deadline…we want to get the first part in as good a shape as possible.
I’m having this problem where I keep getting caught up in the story and forgetting that I’m supposed to be putting a gloss on it. I think that’s probably good news?
Elsewise…well, there isn’t much elsewise. Sorry, folks, the latter stages of novel-writing are pretty boring to tell about. I wake up, I novel; we cook and eat, then back to noveling; maybe some more eating, and then certainly some drinking; then novel until the brain empties out, and then it’s bed and repeat.
And that’s kind of it.
Outside, there is weather. Yesterday it thundered and lightninged and rained and HAILED so hard, my god. All sorts of things in the yard (like those pretty irises from last week) got beaten down; the yard looks like a refugee camp now. I am a powerful enchantress. You see, I had just washed my car.