I was walking home from the grocery store today when I saw a chicken on the street.
Yeah I know people in Portland have chickens (I want to have chickens!), but…on the street?
It ran around the corner as I approached, and then clearly wanted to get back onto the other side of a fence.
Where there were goats.
On the street where I live.
We can have GOATS here?
Anyway, I found a young man who seemed to be in charge of all this livestock, and he went to catch the chicken, and my groceries were in my backpack, so home I went.
We have company tonight–our friend from Anacortes (well, half of our friends from Anacortes–the Mrs. should be here but she isn’t, but we had a fine time anyway)–much food was et (including everything that was in my backpack) and much wine was drunk and some cards was played, and, it was all very fun.
And now is the time for going to bed.