Mark’s mother left on the train yesterday. It was a very nice visit, even if she did leave us with a jigsaw puzzle half-done. Of course she did the easy parts.
Well, it’s not as though we haven’t done the same thing to her. More than once. Even so! She should be better than us, shouldn’t she?
So mostly all I’ve got for you is pictures.
Sunday evening, we went to dinner at the home of some old (Ferrari) friends–new friends to me. The dinner was awesome and the dessert was awesomer.
Monday, I cooked here. I’m really getting this barbecuing thing down. My cheeseburgers are things of delicious delight.
Also, the garden.
I’ve made this photo the new background-screen on my phone (the garden in low morning light):
And, in super-exciting news, I was weeding around behind the lilac bushes (formerly the lilac trees, but this particular one got powder mold and we chopped it to the ground), and discovered that the fig tree that we’d planted last fall, and thought we’d lost in the hard winter, is not dead after all!
Its original stalk is a dead stick, but it’s putting up three healthy new spurs–nearly two feet tall. Hooray!
And…work work work. I understand tomorrow is a holiday of some kind? (Whatever that means?) Actually, we are going to try to go see fireworks with Miss H., if we can figure out how to do so without driving into crowded places and getting stuck in crowded crowds of people. Probably we’ll bike, and seek out auxiliary sites. I like fireworks, but I hate…well, crowds. So we’ll see.
Fortunately, fireworks shows are necessarily late here in the PNW, as it doesn’t get dark till 10pm or so, so there should be plenty of time to get work done before the festivities start. 🙂