Another Left Turn
Well, it’s never what you expect. I don’t have anything coherent or intelligent to say, so I will just post a link where Jay explains what we know so far. Sigh.
Well, it’s never what you expect. I don’t have anything coherent or intelligent to say, so I will just post a link where Jay explains what we know so far. Sigh.
Waiting, just waiting. Not being very productive. But hey–now I can cross blogging off the list! More later, you can be certain of it.
I was going to title this post “Ahh…Home.” Till I realized….um, I’m not home. I am back from a con in a different city, to a house where I sleep a lot of nights, and I have some stuff here, and it’s full of Jay and Jayness, but…yeah, I’m still in Portland. I’ll leave the
Wow, the costumes here! What a gorgeous con! Jay and I sat in the corner of the bar last night for an hour or more, which had a big window overlooking a staircase leading down to registration and the pool. It looked like a crazed alternative-reality Victorian garden party. I cannot even begin to describe
But…since this is my journal, here is where it *is* about me. So, yesterday was a hard day. I know it was much harder for Jay than it was for me (and if you haven’t read his update, hop on over and do so, ’cause I’m not going to rewrite it all here…as if I
It went like this. Whilst our hero was napping, tillyjane and I rode the funicular up and down, which was a small adventure its own self. But further reporting shall have to wait, as we are off for the child’s birthday dinner!
Monkey Business (or, the Tail of the Banana) Read More »
…though you know it’s bad news when just *getting* to the freeway uses up all of the copious slack time in your schedule. Very, very failish traffic in the city; some traffic on the freeway; almost no long-term parking in the covered garage; long but not insane security line; and then, and then, and then…I
But I’m not English, so I’ll post instead. Yes, I am listening to Pink Floyd, and drinking wine, why do you ask? I am also: -doing laundry -packing -watering the orchids -checking in for my flight -dealing with backlogged email -dealing with backlogged paper mail -paying bills -unpacking, unwrapping, unlabeling, de-package-ifying, and otherwise disemboweling my
Hanging On In Quiet Desperation Is the English Way Read More »
Excellent weekend–exhausted now. For some reason, I decided it was a good idea to do my hour-and-a-half Ashtanga practice before going out to Marin to do an 8-mile hike. Yeah, tired now, and my hips are annoyed at me. No writing all weekend. Too darn social. Oh well! That was the plan, I think. 🙂
Saw my third movie of the year this evening–“The Triplets of Belleville.” Awesome. And with that, my day is done.