Busy at OryCon, having lots of fun!! In fact rushing out the door right now, Mark has a reading at 11:30. See some of you there, I hope!
Busy at OryCon, having lots of fun!! In fact rushing out the door right now, Mark has a reading at 11:30. See some of you there, I hope!
OryCon starts this weekend, here in Portland–actually, it has already started, as Mark and I attended a meet-and-greet for writers workshop participants (writers and pros). That was fun–I’m still really enjoying this kinda new thing, of walking into a roomful of writing-people and knowing at least half of them. 🙂 Because it’s in town, and
Okay I more than looked at the garden today…I planted the adopted rose bush that came home in the back seat of the car; and the other rose bush that La Enigma and her Consort brought over; and then I figured I should plant some of these iris bulbs I dug up and separated a
I Looked At The Garden Today Read More »
So I keep mentioning that Mark and I had great conversations in the car, but not telling you about them….let me address that. Among the many things that twenty or so hours in the car leaves room to talk about, there is, of course, writing. (Because we can’t write in the car: might as well
Yeah. Home sweet home. 🙂 You know, for someone who travels as much as I do, I’m really not much of a traveler. I mean, I’m not a comfortable, eager, enthusiastic traveler. I’d really rather be home. So it says a lot about the things I’ve been traveling to/for lately, that they could lure me
Top of California, that is. More or less. Oregon tomorrow, and home, yay! Today ALL THE RAINS came down. It made for adventurous driving, but, funny thing, I’m kind of getting used to driving in ALL THE RAINS. I didn’t love it, but I knew what to do, and it wasn’t a problem. In addition
We made it to northern California today; Marin County, at the end, and a fabulous sushi dinner with my brother. And ice cream. Yum. Lunchtime, we stopped in San Francisco for lunch with desperance and Karen. And ice cream. Yum. I wonder why these jeans are so tight…. Tomorrow: norther and norther. Home soon!
It’s been heavy traveling/visiting the last few days, with little or no internet (and little or no time for same)….normal blogging should return on the weekend, I hope! (Whatever normal means, of course.) Central California today; Bay Area tomorrow; onward and upward…. Meanwhile: oh jeez look at the time. Sleep now.
Gosh, there are a lot of people here in Los Angeles. Far too many, in my opinion. However, some particular few of them are fabulous and beloved, and thus the day was spent in the visiting of a few of those. (More shall be tomorrow, before Mark and I head slowly northward.) Breakfast, lunch, and
It was a very lovely day today, and I am sleepy now so this post is entirely inadequate. 🙂 The birthday well-wishes started trickling into the email a day or two ago (mostly through Facebook, gosh I should really go onto Facebook more often….), and then today they POURED in. I like to answer all
Happy Birthday To Me Read More »