In Progress, One
Starting to see a bit of air and light on the left side. Also, now there’s a man in the tree, and lots of ropes.
Starting to see a bit of air and light on the left side. Also, now there’s a man in the tree, and lots of ropes.
Got home from an early swim to find the tree-cutter-downers already here–two hours early! And so they begin. Also, the Google Street View truck is going through the neighborhood today. Maybe they’ll capture my house at an interesting moment. 🙂 More photos as they progress…
Scene: nearly empty health club locker room. I am getting dressed after my swim. Another woman comes in, looks at all the unused lockers, and chooses a locker across the bay from me, right next to the ONLY other locker on that whole row that has a lock on it. Me: (Almost asks her why
New books in the mail today! This awesome anthology has my story “Bane.” And I just LOVE that cover. Yay!
I achieved Chapter 5 today, completely rewritten, including the change of point-of-view character. I think it’s MUCH better now, and should lead me easily into chapter 6, which hopefully doesn’t need nearly as much work…we’ll see! I rewarded myself with more time than usual lying on the couch and reading, and also working on a
Still Pecking Away Read More »
I had started rewriting chapter 5 yesterday, but after half a page it wasn’t going anywhere; and this morning it wasn’t going anywhere, and I was futzing around the house, and dithering, and avoiding; and eventually (with an audible Aha!) I realized that I was trying to write the chapter from the wrong point-of-view character,
Sometimes You Have to Listen to Them Read More »
I spent much of today working on Hobgoblin…it started, as these things often do, with me realizing I had been rather too long out of the story, and needed to reread it from the start to get back into it, get back into the heads of the characters. So of course I ended up editing
I’d stopped blogging here, preferring the community of LiveJournal, but with LJ’s current DDOS attack situation, seems like it would be smart to at least see if I remember how to post here. 🙂 (and I have no idea if it’s going to cross-post, as it used to; I’ve changed providers since I last tried.)