Outline, Page 2

I have moved to page 2 of the outline, in my edit! Which, given that the outline goes only halfway onto page 3, is progress indeed. I’d say I’m not quite halfway done, but way more than a third. Despite its being such a social weekend, too. I saw friends yesterday, and tried out a

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Friday, Such As It Is

Because in the freelancer’s/writer’s life, weekends only mean a) time you get to see more of your friends, and b) new work probably won’t come in. 🙂 Got two more chapters edited today though! Including adding a scene, and entirely rewriting an important scene. I am about a third of the way through the book,

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Random Things

1. Hey look, Mark blogged again! 2. It was sunny today! Wow, how I’ve missed that. 3. Dear Spammers: If you’re going to go to the trouble to make a faux-personalized spam-comment on my blog, try to choose a post that’s more recent than five years old, okay? 4. P.S. to Spammers: Although, nevermind, I’m

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Today started kind of sideways, and never really righted itself. I was handed lots of lemons; I made lots of lemonade, but, as it turns out, there are still lemons lying around. Hmph. I woke up late, but I thought it was early, it was so dark; I did some yoga, but it was so

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Well, nothing exploded this morning, so I guess I’ll count that as an improvement. But I did pull something in my back doing yoga–doing a move I do a hundred times in every practice–which was painful, and dismaying. I’d been hoping to go for a long-anticipated swim this afternoon (now that the pool is open

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I am working very hard on my edits for The Queen and The Tower. Thus far there is actually nothing to show for it, in a tangible sense. Other than I am eating rather too much ice cream. But oh, the thinking. The world building. (Yes you’d think the world would have been built by

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Just a quick follow-up on the Cirque du Soleil story (where they mistakenly gave me March tickets instead of February tickets): I have spoken to them, they are very very sorry, and in consideration of what happened, they are refunding my “convenience fee” ($20 for the two tickets). Which strikes me as a very elegant

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