
I’ve decided to rewrite Hobgoblin from scratch. See, I was thinking it’s really a YA novel; except as written now, the two main characters are in their thirties; so I have to make them much younger. Once they’re much younger, their basic living situations (and school and job situations) naturally have to change. Plus shouldn’t […]

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How It Piles Up

It’s amazing, how it all piles up. Mail comes in, magazines arrive; boxes and bags come in; you get busy and let it slip for a minute or two, and….well it seems like I’ve spent most of the day purging, weeding, recycling, dumping. Oh, I also did my Ashtanga practice–the whole thing, for the first

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It says something about the weather around here when the warmest I felt all day was during my swim. (Well okay, and during the hot tub after.) It’s pretty but VERY COLD! I haven’t had a chance to use my fabulous new gardening tool, which Mark got me for Christmas. The instructions are all in

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Homeward Bound

After a lovely Christmas, and then a very nice couple of days at Chez Ferraris Sr. (i.e. the Land of Very Little Internet), Mark and I are finally (finally!) en route home. We’re pausing for the night in Redding (on purpose this time, unlike when we broke down here), because weather. As in, today it

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